Barrow Bells - Event Calendar |
When do the bells typically ring?
- Sunday Service Ringing (Sunday 10-10.30am)
- Weekly Practice (Wednesday 7.30-9pm)
- Extra 'silent' Practice (Wednesday 6.45-7.30pm) - for beginners, please check.
- Special services & occasions - Weddings, Visiting Bellringers, Open Days, etc. (published below)
- Non-ringing social events - Walks, Meals/BBQ, Fairs etc. (also published below)
- Maintenance & Safety (ad-hoc) - unannounced essential maintenance to the bells.
For more information about our regular weekly ringing, please visit the REGULAR RINGING SCHEDULE page.
In addition to regular ringing there are weddings and other services; civic/national events to mark; visiting ringers; tower open days; bellringers meetings; quarter peals and peals; and other occasions when the bells are rung. Most are relatively infrequent and short (less than 1 hour continuous ringing), although occasionally there can be more than 1 wedding or event in a day, a branch/association meeting lasting 2 hours, or a peal lasting 3 hours.
We try to notify the public, local residents and community in advance of any planned additional (non-regular) ringing at St James' Tower as follows...
- All planned extra ringing of any duration will be notified in the calendar on this Events web page; alongside other ringing
events outside Barrow. Ringing at St James, Barrow will be repeated and highlighted in a summary table (see below)
- All planned extra ringing for continuous period in excess of 1 hour:
Residents in houses immediately opposite the church on Blake Street, Adelaide Street and
Hartington Street will receive leaflet informing of the extended ringing.
Sometimes we will also notify the North West Evening Mail, BBC Radio Cumbria, & The Bay Radio (bay action), e.g. for particular special occasions, and where the public are invited to come along and find out more. [however as independent businesses they may decide not to publish/broadcast anything]
Summary of Planned Additional or Special Ringing at St James
Sun 21st July | 1 hour | approx. 3pm to 4pm | Quarter Peal
Quarter Peal for birthday celebration for two of our ringers. |
Sat 27th July | 30+ mins before 20+ mins after | 11.30pm to 1.10pm* | Wedding Ringing Ringing before and after wedding (approx 45 minutes service). |
* approximate times
FULL CALENDAR - All ringing and social events at St James and elsewhere