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Barrow Bells - GALLERY 7 - NW Evening Mail £300 Cheque Presentation (16 Nov 2012)

These photographs taken by the North West Evening Mail and were presented on Page 14 of the Monday 26th November edition of the NW Evening Mail.

As such, all Photographs © North West Evening Mail. Please refrain from copying these images without first obtaining permission directly from North West Evening Mail.
If you would like a copy of any of these photographs, the original (and better quality) images are available to purchase (prices) at PhotoSales Site.

News article used to appear on NW Evening Mail website, but now view copy of newspaper article.

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Presentation of £300 cheque from North West Evening Mail.
Pictured L-R: Andy Pollock, Rev. Matthew Peat (North Barrow Team Rector),
Brenda Pearce(churchwarden), Jonathan Lee (Editor NWEM)

Andy Pollock
and the 4th bell (of 8)

Andy Pollock and Brenda Pearce
in the Ringing Room

Andy Pollock stood beside
Bell 8 - the "Tenor"