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Barrow Bells - GALLERY 2 - North West Evening Mail photos of the bells - 29 Dec 2011

These are some of the photographs taken by the North West Evening Mail photographer Joe Riley
shortly before the newspaper printed a 2-page article about the bell restoration project on New Year's Eve 2011. See HISTORIC BELL RESTORATION PROJECT AT BARROW CHURCH.

Please refrain from copying these images. If you would like a copy of any of these photographs the original (and better quality) images are available to purchase at PhotoSales Site

Andrew Pollock holding 8th (tenor) bellrope

Andrew Pollock holding 2nd bellrope

Broken wheel and flaking paint

Middle room between ringing room and belfry with rope guides
The new position in the tower for the new bell-frame!

Corrosion and scale on the 4th, and rain splashes

Corroded metalwork and broken wheel on 6th, 5th, 2nd and 1st (treble)

Closer view of 6th and 5th corrosion

5th and 2nd corroded bearings and other metalwork.

Andrew Pollock leaning on the 4th which had to be removed from
headstock and sat on blocks because rust was so severe.